
  1. The name of this organization shall be the Wildlife Law Enforcement Club.



  1. The specific purposes of this organization shall be the following:
    1. To provide a vehicle for social and professional interaction among wildlife law enforcement students and faculty at MSU and professionals in wildlife law enforcement and
    2. To promote professionalism among wildlife law enforcement students at MSU.


Location and Government

  1. The location of this organization shall be Mississippi State University.
  2. This organization shall be governed by this Constitution and By-Laws.
  3. A quorum shall consist of 50% + 1 of the active membership.



  1. Membership categories shall be the following:
    1. Active or full membership shall be composed entirely of faculty, students, and staff.
    2. Inactive membership shall be composed of alumni and honorary members.
    3. Inactive members shall not be allowed to vote or hold office.
  2. Qualifications for Membership
    1. 1. Any MSU student, faculty or staff who is interested in the wildlife law enforcement profession shall be eligible for membership.



  1. All executive powers of the Wildlife Law Enforcement Club shall be vested in a President, Vice-President, and Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected and will serve a tenue in a manner prescribed by the By-Laws.
  2. Only student members of the Wildlife Law Enforcement Club shall be eligible to hold positions of officers.
  3. Duties and Powers of the Officers
    1. President
      1. To preside over all meetings and club functions.
      2. To develop an agenda for all meetings.
      3. To initiate all club activities and functions either directly or through a committee appointed by the president.
    2. Vice President
      1. To assist the president in the execution of the president's office.
      2. To assume the duties of the president in the president's absence.
    3. Secretary
      1. To take and preserve accurate minutes of meetings.
      2. To conduct all correspondence and handle club announcements.
    4. Treasurer
      1. To maintain accurate fiscal records.
      2. To transact any and all monetary exchanges concerning the club, including the collection of dues.
  4. The advisor of the MSU Wildlife Law Enforcement Club shall be a member of the faculty or staff at Mississippi State University.
    1. The advisor will be a full member of the club and will have all rights accorded club members, including a vote.
    2. The faculty advisor will be elected yearly by majority vote of the active membership.
    3. The faculty advisor must co-sign all checks.



  1. Meetings will be conducted according to procedures set in Roberts Rules of Order (Revised).
  2. If there is a called meeting, the members will be notified at least 1 week prior to that meeting through a written, verbal, or electronic mail notice.
  3. Procedures for calling a meeting:
    1. The president and/or the faculty advisor will notify the club secretary of the need for a meeting.
    2. The club secretary will inform the membership through a written or verbal notice of the time, place, and nature of the meeting.


Dues and Assessments

  1. The amount of the dues will be determined by a majority of the active membership and shall be collected by the club treasurer.
  2. Dues will be payable at the beginning of each Fall and Spring school semester.
  3. All financial transactions must be signed by the faculty advisor and the club treasurer.


Amending Procedure

  1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the time they are voted upon.
  2. Adoption of amendments shall be by 3/4 vote of those present and voting.



  1. Revision of this constitution shall be undertaken only if a motion or revision is approved by a 3/4 vote of the members present and voting.
  2. If such a revision is approved, it shall be undertaken by a committee appointed by The Wildlife Law Enforcement Club. The president shall appoint one member to serve as Chairman of the Revision Committee.
  3. The revision of this constitution shall be by ballot and shall require a 3/4 vote of the members present and voting.



  1. The Wildlife Law Enforcement Club does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, or veteran status.


  1. Meetings
    1. The Wildlife Law Enforcement Club will meet on a regularly scheduled basis on the third Tuesday of each month during regular school semesters.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the president and/or the faculty advisor when such need arises.
  2. Dues
    1. Payment of dues will be required for full membership in the Wildlife Law Enforcement Club.
    2. Dues will be collected at the first meeting of each semester and will be payable to the club treasurer.
    3. The amount of dues shall be $12.50 per semester, or $25.00 annually.
  3. Election of Officers
    1. Officers will be elected in March and will serve a 2-semester term (Fall and Spring of the subsequent academic year).
    2. The faculty advisor will preside over all officer elections.
  4. Committees
    1. The president shall have the power to appoint committees and committee chairmen as the need for special committees arises.
  5. Amending Procedure
    1. Amendments to these By-Laws shall be proposed in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the time they are to be voted upon.
    2. Adoption of amendments shall be by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting.

Addendum: Explanation of Amendments

March 21, 2000 Amendments:

  1. Splitting the Secretary/Treasurer into 2 offices in order to spread out the work load.
  2. Making the statement on officer election time and tenure appear in the bylaws only (it was duplicated in the Constitution, which is unnecessary).
  3. Changing the bylaws statement regarding the office election time (from Fall to March so that we can have the new officer identified in time for the CFR spring banquet as well as allow some transitional time between the 2 sets of officers).

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