Will Bowlin went over the minutes from last month's meeting.

Nate Hein gave a report on the CFR Dean's Council meeting. If anyone has any ideas for CFR improvements, talk to Nate or Chad Dacus.

Chad passed around a sheet for everyone to sign their name, major, classification, high school, hometown, and parent's name for the press release about our club.

The field trip to the Police Academy in Jackson went well. There is a video that anyone can borrow if you weren't able to attend.

Nate would like to hear any fund raising ideas for the Spring semester.

Chad thanked everyone who helped at the Mossy Oak Deer and Duck Fest. We raised $65 from raffle tickets.

We also need suggestions for guest speakers for the Spring.

The guest speaker was Lt. Chip Leavine of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. He talked about how the FFWC is set up and how it operates. It is divided up into sections: Support, Training, Operations (Patrol and Investigations), and Planning. It consists of 853 sworn law enforcement officers. 60% of the upper management will retire within the next 5 years, so their will be a great opportunity for employment. There is a manatory 5 month academy that you have to attend in order to be employed in Florida.

The next meeting will be on January 18, 2000

Meeting adjourned.