The MSU Wildlife Law Enforcement Club was established in 1997 by students in the Conservation Law Enforcement Concentration, which is one of seven undergraduate concentrations in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture. The club has a two-fold purpose: (1) to provide a vehicle for social and professional interaction among wildlife law enforcement students and faculty at MSU and professionals in wildlife law enforcement; and (2) to promote professionalism among wildlife law enforcement students at MSU. Any MSU student, faculty, or staff who is interested in the wildlife law enforcement profession is eligible for membership, and dues are $15.00 per semester (or $20.00 per school year). The club has a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer who are elected at the beginning of each fall semester and serve a term of two semesters.

Constitution and By-laws

Our Officers and Advisor

Events and Happenings

Conservation Law Enforcement Links of Interest

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